Posts Tagged ‘ over thinking ’

I Ruminate, Therefore I Blog

This blogging thing is an interesting exercise in self-awareness.

Before I started this I told myself that I would just write. Just write whatever comes to mind, run spell check (I’m a horrible at spelling) and post. But I find myself over thinking all of this, trying to plan, strategize, be twelve steps ahead. (Over thinking is kinda my M.O., but then you know that already).  I’m getting too caught up with trying to be right. I’m judging myself, my opinions. Unwilling to post things that I think people could challenge, or question. But that’s kinda the point though huh?

Depression, the rumination disease. Now I know why there aren’t more depression bloggers, too much time is spent obsessing over what we write. There’d be 88 posts in the drafts folder and none on the page.